Dylan B.

Dylan is an awesome young man with many talents. He enjoys music and has a wide range of musical tastes.. He is artistic and likes to draw and create things. Dylan enjoys going for walks outside, swimming and working out. He wants to live in a family and have a "normal teenage life" and would like to get involved in school sports in the future. Dylan wants a family where he can feel comfortable and accepted and not judged by his past. He enjoys animals, so if a family has animals "that would be cool". Dylan has been learning to cook recently and his cooking skills are quite good. He would love a family that would support his interests

Dylan is a smart young man, but he has not always been a fan of school work; however, he recently has set his mind to being a more active participant in his education. A family that would show interest and support him academically would help him achieve academic success. Dylan can be very insightful. He is a very deep thinker at times, and it is enjoyable to listen to him talk about topics he is interested in. He has a great laugh and sense of humor when you get to know him.

Dylan is a very caring young man and is patient with younger children. He enjoys being a mentor/big brother to other kids; whether sharing his "wisdom", teaching them to play a sport or being an emotional support when a peer is having a bad day. He cares deeply for friends and family and trust, respect and loyalty in those relationships are very important to Dylan. Can you provide a loving home environment for Dylan?

Photographed by Destiny Rogowski

Photo courtesy of Heart Gallery of Western NY