
Emily is 16 years old and in the 10th grade. She likes to dress up, wear costumes and is usually seen with a bright wide smile. Emily loves animals and would love to have a home with a large yard and pets. Her favorite foods are chicken meatballs, alfredo, McDonalds and Wendy’s. Some of Emily’s hobbies include rock collecting, hiking, abstract art and she loves to play video games. Emily enjoys baking and likes to make cinnamon rolls, brownies and cookies. Emily shares that she dreams of one day traveling to Japan to see the Cat Café, Robot Café in addition to all the lights and technology there. She would like a family where she would be the only child, have her own bedroom, be able to learn to drive, attend culinary school and eventually attend the CIA to become a pastry chef.

Emily would do best in a home with experienced parents who are knowledgeable in trauma and have therapeutic parenting skills. Emily needs her family to be supportive and assist her in setting goals and helping her to reach her full potential.  Are you the right family for Emily?

Photo courtesy of Heart Gallery of Western NY